A great starter kit to give the anaxgum system a try! Based on customer feedback, this kit includes the most useful shades of anaxgum paste composites, and the most useful shades of anaxgum paint modifier flows.
Kit Contents:
- anaxgum Paste Light Pink, 4g
- anaxgum Paste Orange Pink, 4g
- anaxgum Paste, Dark Pink, 4g
- anaxgum Paint Red, 3g
- anaxgum Paint Purple, 3g
- anaxgum Paint Cream, 3g
- 2 x Application Tips
- Cover Gel, 3g (air inhibitor)
anaxgum is a gingiva-coloured composite for the aesthetic reconstruction of the gingiva.
anaxgum was developed in cooperation with Dr. Christian Coachman to match the different hues of the natural gingiva as accurately as possible. It can be applied by the dental technician at the dental lab or directly in the patient‘s mouth by the dentist. anaxgum is the simple way back to a natural appearance of a restoration’s “pink aesthetics“.