End-to-End Dental Solutions, for Practitioners & Dental Laboratories

Angled MU 30° NobelActive RP GH 3.5mm

Product Code: DS-43-008-3

30° Angled Multiunit Abutment – 3.5mm Collar Height – 4.3/5.0 (RP)

This angled multiunit abutment comes with a DLC screw that takes the Nobel® Unigrip/Star Driver

A DLC coating is a diamond like coating that provides a low friction surface for a better hold.

The top of this angled multiunit abutment is 4.8mmD and it is compatible with the following multiunit connections: Nobel® Active, Replace, and Branemark (NP and RP), BioHorizons® Internal Hex and External Hex, 3i® Certain - Internal Hex, 3i® Osseotite - External Hex, Megagen® Anyridge (N style only), Neodent®, and DESS multiunit abutments.

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