End-to-End Dental Solutions, for Practitioners & Dental Laboratories

Bone Fixation Screw 1.5 x 12mm 5 Pack

Product Code: OS-PFB12-5

Self-Tapping Bone Fixation Screws
1.5mm x 12mm

Pro-fix™ Bone Fixation Screws are designed with finer pitched, self-tapping threads that give the screws greater clamping force while using less driver torque. The screws’ threads are equipped with a cutting flute that allows for easier insertion into harder bone. Head design on bone fixation screw allows screw to be screwed down flush to bone surface leaving no gap between the screw's head and the bone. The screws are placed into a 1.2 mm pre-drilled pilot hole.

Sold singularly or in a pack of 5

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