FL-F-RT-F3-02-01 - Form 3 Resin Tank v2.1 - Pacific Dental Specialties New Zealand
End-to-End Dental Solutions, for Practitioners & Dental Laboratories

Form 3 Resin Tank v2.1

Product Code: FL-F-RT-F3-02-01

Low Force Stereolithography (LFS)™ 3D printing uses linear illumination and a flexible film tank to turn liquid resin into flawless parts. A key component of the LFS process, the strong dual-layer film at the bottom of the Form 3 Resin Tank allows for a dynamic and precise print process.

Note: Form 3 Resin Tank V2.1 is compatible with all Formlabs resins but is required for use with some specific materials.

Resin tanks are consumables and require replacement. The lifetime of an individual resin tank depends on a combination of factors:

  • Time exposed to resin (i.e., the amount of time that a tank is holding resin, regardless of where the tank is stored)
  • Time spent printing
  • Resin
  • Model geometry
  • Temperature
  • Physical damage

We recommend that you replace a Form 3/Form 3B resin tank as soon as one of the following occurs:

1. Noticeable physical damage (can occur anytime, but expected by 600–800 hours of printing)
  • Wear on the film begins to affect print quality
  • Repeatedly printing the same model in the same location on a tank can cause the tank film to wear more quickly.
  • Punctures, cuts, wrinkles, or gouges in the film
2. Your tank reaches its maximum lifetime
  • Some resin formulations degrade components of the resin tank over time. This will eventually cause the tank to leak resin. To prevent this from happening, replace your resin tank once you reach the maximum lifetime shown below even if your resin tank is otherwise physically undamaged. Your Form 3/Form 3B warns you when your tank is nearing this recommended lifetime.
Fore more information on resin tank lifetime and monitoring, please folllow the link: https://support.formlabs.com/s/article/Resin-tank-lifetime-Form-3-Form-3B?language=en_US