PR-00554-9820 - TSM Acetal Disc 98.5 x 20 A3 - Pacific Dental Specialties New Zealand
End-to-End Dental Solutions, for Practitioners & Dental Laboratories

TSM Acetal Disc 98.5 x 20 A3

Product Code: PR-00554-9820


Pressing Dental TSM Acetal

TSM Acetal Dental is a thermoplastic technopolymer with a crystalline structure, with a high elastic modulus and excellent elastic memory, which make it particularly versatile for the multiplicity of applications for which it is intended in the production of medical devices.


Implantology: Individual healing caps and temporary abutments

Prostheses: Aesthetic hooks, space maintainers, multi-rooted pins and stumps, partial prostheses similar to skeletons, bridges and crowns, bite, Mock –Up, hybrid prostheses on abraded teeth, reproduction of attacks, bars, etc.


  • High abrasion resistance
  • Excellent resistance to traction and impact
  • High elastic memory
  • Low thermal conductivity
  • Hypoallergenic and non-toxic
  • Excellent aesthetic result
  • Class II medical device


Modulus of elasticity 2826 MPa (Ref. ISO 178)
Absorption Average 2.4 ug / mm ³ (Ref. ISO 10477)
Average Solubility <0.1 ug / mm ³ (Ref. ISO 10477)

Colours available: Vita shade colours A1- D4, plus pink shade.


Diameter: 98.5mm

Thickness: 16, 20mm, and 25mm (pink only)